Brisbane Fond Memories

9:40 PM

December 2022 kemaren, akhirnya aku bisa punya waktu for ngunjungin adekku di Brisbane. Aussie sempet close border terkait pandemi. Quiet sad, aku bahkan nglewatin momen dia lulus secara langsung yet finally we’re reunited. 

In English :

Last December 2022, I finally had time to visit my sister in Brisbane.  Aussie has closed borders due to the pandemic.  Quiet sad at that time, I wasn’t able to see her graduation yet we’re finally reunited.

Dan kayaknya perjalanan ini nggak hanya refresh otak tapi juga nafsu berpetualang yang uda lama ngga berkelana. Mencicip custard croissant, ketemu pacar adek ( yang sekarang dah jadi tunangan ) dan menjelajah kota. Bikin aku super bersyukur uda bisa ngumpulin memori ini

In English :

I guess my wanderlust soul has awaken thanks to this trip. Taste yummy custard croissant, met my sis’ bf ( now become his fiancee 😝 ), hang around the city. All those simple things made me super grateful

Watch my Christmas Holiday at Brisbane here!

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9 ♥

  1. Thanks for the article, its really very useful.

  2. Pasti seru banget reunian sama adek di Brisbane setelah Aussie closed borders! Custard croissant, pacar adek yang sekarang tunangan, dan jalan-jalan di kota, jadi memori seru yang bikin bersyukur. Refreshing banget buat otak dan jiwa yang haus petualangan! 🌟✈️ #FamilyReunion #BrisbaneAdventure

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