2023 Random Thoughts

3:46 PM

How y’all doin? Been a while, nulis curcol di blog. Lately aku ngeliat kebanyakan blog ku seputar review kerjaan. Ngga nyangka, kangen juga menjadikan lapak ini my online diary or journal of my random thoughts. Meanwhile back then, even on my travel ootd post, aku ngga malu untuk share kondisiku walau secara tersirat. Entah lagi mellow, hepi atau sekedar berbagi motivational quotes

Well yes, I’m fine. Meskipun bukan berarti lagi ngga ada masalah ya. Namanya hidup, badainya mah pasti ada. Mungkin seiring bertambahnya usia juga, aku males debat yang menguras energi dalam suatu masalah. Mager overthink. Lebih ke berusaha diem & tenang trus mikir apa solusi yang mau dikasi.. Jadi kalo kamu lagi di fase itu, we’re in the same boat. Cheers to less drama in life 

And hopefully aku bisa sering selipin post kayak gini di tengah hiruk pikuknya daily work & routine 

In English :

How y’all doin? Been a while, post something like this. Lately I read my post, and mostly it’s all about review & work. Never thought, gonna miss a moment when I made this platform as my online diary or journal of my random thoughts. Meanwhile back then, even on my travel ootd post, I was not ashame to express my feelings. Either it’s on a sad mode, happy or just wanna share some motivational quotes

Yes, I’m fine. Although, doesn’t mean that I don’t have any problems. Well, it’s life tho. Storm of problems will always available to fill in. Yet along with me, getting older, I became lazier to argue or expend excess energy to get angry. Or overthink. Stay quiet for a moment and think what I can offer to solve that matter. So if you’re standing on that phase, we’re in the same boat. Cheers to less drama in life 

And hopefully I could write more like this, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of my daily work & routine

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