My Iso-Diary

12:48 PM


Mendobrak kebiasaan share tentang produk skincare atau travel diary, kali ini aku mau cerita pengalaman isolasi gegara positif covid. 2,5 tahun bergelut dan berusaha buat ngejaga, akhirnya tumbang juga. Yes, i was postive covid couple weeks ago. Puji Tuhan, uda sembuh & negatif. Yang bisa kubilang tiap kondisi tubuh pasti punya reaksi yang berbeda-beda.

Contohnya, me & my hubby. Pertama kali, abis berinteraksi dengan yang positif aku ngga langsung nunjukin gejala. Masi negatif setelah melalui 2x tes.  Di hari ketiga, tenggorokan mulai kerasa kering tapi ngga demam dan ngga ada gejala lain. Masih bisa beraktivitas layaknya ngga sakit, bahkan sempet ikut olahraga online tapi berasa banget lebih ngos-ngosan nafasnya.

Malemnya tes pake antigen mandiri, ada 2 garis tapi super samar. Genjot minum obat tenggorokan & many vitamins. Meanwhile, my hubby ngerasain gejala yang lebih parah.  Batuk, nelen sakit, pilek. Waktu dites, my hubby positif dan super juelasssss… 

Jujur makasi banyak temen, keluarga dan relatif yang uda support. Dari kirim makanan, obat ngasi tips seabrek. Yet, aku pengen remind juga, buat semua yang masi berjuang, jangan lupa memilah semua tips dan obat-obatan yang masuk. Nggak dipungkiri kita pengen sembuh secepet-cepetnya, tapi tetep harus consider sama badan kamu juga. Di aku, beberapa cara ini lumayan ngefek : 

  • Minum obat tenggorokan & vitamin untuk boost imun
  • Berjemur di pagi hari
  • Kurangi makan nasi & mengandung gula
  • Sering matiin AC biar lebih cepet keringetan

Intinya, jangan semua cara ditelen mentah-mentah dan coba yang aneh-aneh. Listen to your body and do what works best for you. Jadi, buat semua yang masi berjuang untuk garis satu & post “the only negativity that i need”, SEMANGATTTT!!! Wishhing You Good Health & Happiness

In English :
Broke my habits that often share about skincare products or travel diary, this time i’d like to post my isolation diary as covid patient. 2,5 years try to stay away from the crowd and protect myself, finally I got positive :p  Yet I’m still grateful for speedy recovery. I realize that each person has different reaction to this virus, so beware!

In example, me & my hubby. After interact with positive, my body didn’t show any symptoms. I was tested twice and even get negative result.  On third day, my throat's been sore and felt sooooo thirsty.  I was still able to do exercise but get tired easily than usual. 

That night, I took self test and there’s 2 blurred lines. Took sore throat medicine & many vitamins. Meanwhile, my hubby felt worse symptoms, compare to me. Dry cough, a bit pain when he’d like to swallow food, and also cold. And he was tested, he has that crystal clear 2 lines

Honestly, thank you to all my family, friends and relatives for your endless support. Send us foods, medicines and even many tips. Yet I’d like to remind to those of you who still fight this virus, sort all tips and medicine. I believe we’d like to have speedy recovery, yet you have to consider what works for your body. This what works for me :

  • Sore throat medicines & vitamins to boost your immunity
  • Morning sun bath
  • Less rice or anything that contains much glucose
  • Often turn off the AC so I sweat more

The point is, Listen to your body and do what works best for you! For those of you who still struggle, stay tough & don’t stress! Wishhing You Good Health & Happiness

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