Happy and Confident with Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Long Wear
10:32 AM
In beauty, it’s not about being pretty but how do you feel about wearing your make up?
Are you confident and happy with it?
Membawa filosofi 'featuring happiness', Lancôme berusaha menciptakan produk yang mampu membuat para wanita percaya diri dan bahagia menggunakannya.
Beberapa waktu lalu aku diundang untuk lebih mengenal dengan produk-produk Lancome. Salah satunya, Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Long Wear. Jujur awalnya aku sempat ragu dengan produk ini. Why? Walaupun suka ngeliat matte makeup, dewy or semi matte foundation cenderung lebih cocok untuk kulitku yang normal to dry. Yet, after I put enough hydration to my face, ternyata nggak crack at all. Puas sama hasilnya.
Beberapa waktu lalu aku diundang untuk lebih mengenal dengan produk-produk Lancome. Salah satunya, Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Long Wear. Jujur awalnya aku sempat ragu dengan produk ini. Why? Walaupun suka ngeliat matte makeup, dewy or semi matte foundation cenderung lebih cocok untuk kulitku yang normal to dry. Yet, after I put enough hydration to my face, ternyata nggak crack at all. Puas sama hasilnya.
Selain itu, hal lain yang paling kusuka dari produk ini adalah rosy scent-nya. Oh, and also its soft breathable formula. Paling cinta kalau bisa nemuin lightweight dan longwear foundation dengan medium to full coverage yang nggak bikin wajah kamu breakout. The point is, I'm happy to shared that this product is included on one of my favorite foundie.

In English :
In beauty, it’s not about being pretty but how do you feel about wearing your make up?
Are you confident and happy with it?
Bring up 'featuring happiness' philosophy, Lancôme try to create products that able to boost confidence in everyone who wear it.
Couple times ago, I was invited to learn more about Lancome products. One of them is Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Long Wear. I was hesitated at first. Why? Though I like to watch matte makeup and always tempted to try 'em, dewy or semi matte foundations are more suitable on my normal to dry skin. Yet, after I put enough hydration to my face, it did not crack at all. Satisfied with the result.
Couple times ago, I was invited to learn more about Lancome products. One of them is Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Long Wear. I was hesitated at first. Why? Though I like to watch matte makeup and always tempted to try 'em, dewy or semi matte foundations are more suitable on my normal to dry skin. Yet, after I put enough hydration to my face, it did not crack at all. Satisfied with the result.
In addition, another thing that I like is their rosy scent. Oh, and also its soft breathable formula. Happy enough if you could find light weight and longwear foundation with medium to full coverage but not making your face breaking out. The point is, I'm happy to shared that this product is included on one of my favorite foundie.
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