Start Double Cleanse with Allyoung
4:54 PM
Recently aku lagi mencoba untuk rajin double cleanse. Why? Aku merasa teknik ini cukup efektif dalam menghilangkan kotoran dari kulit wajah. Selain itu, lebih maksimal juga dalam mencegah penyumbatan pori-pori akibat sisa-sisa makeup.
In English :
Recently I start to double cleanse diligently. Why? I feel that this technique is pretty effective in removing dirts from my face. In addition, it is able to prevent a blockage of my pores cause of makeup residuals.
Introduce you a double cleanse kit from Allyoung. Pertama kali mendengar produk ini dari Clozette Indonesia dan excited to try their cleansing oil and cleanser cream. Dari beberapa informasi yang kubaca tentang produk ini, sebelum memberanikan diri mencoba, produk ini aman untuk kulit sensitif.
Pertama aku menggunakan cleansing oil untuk menghapus makeup lalu membersihkan dengan kapas. Makeup yang aku gunakan lumayan terangkat dan belum ada tanda-tanda merah alergi atau iritasi. Nah setelah itu aku mencuci muka dengan cleansing cream. Setelah pemakaian juga muka terasa lumayan lembap. Ngga yang sampe berasa kering ketarik gitu. Tertarik mulai double cleanse dengan produk dari Allyoung?
In English :
Inrtoduce you a double cleanse kit from Allyoung. I knew this brand from Clozette Indonesia and excited to try their cleansing oil and cleanser cream. From couple of reviews that I read, this product is safe for sensitive skin.
First, I used their cleansing oil to remove my makeup then wipe it off with cotton pad. It lifted up my makeup and there wasn't any sign of allergic or irritation. Next, I washed my face with cleansing cream. Hmmmm... I feel a bit hydrated after to be honest. Interested to start double cleansing with this Allyoung set?
6 ♥
Double cleansing is such an important step in your skincare routine! I haven't heard of this range before but it sounds lovely x
ReplyDeleteLauren |
I just started double cleansing too and love it xx
ReplyDeleteBeauty & Colour | Vegan Fashion + Lifestyle Blog
Aku juga cinta banget double cleansing. Can't go through my skincare routine without it! Apalagi karena aku pake sunscreen di pagi hari jadi kalo ga double cleansing bakal bikin breakout.
ReplyDeleteCleansing oil Allyoung lebih gampang bersihinnya langsung bilas kak. Aku coba pake kapas agak lengket. Ternyata memang setelah diaplikasikan bisa langsung dibilas pakai air. Kadi hemat kapas.dan emang enak banget cleansing oil ini
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