
Back to Your Bag Spa

7:55 PM

Here again, back to Your Bag Spa. Seperti namanya memang Your Bag Spa udah dikenal buat cuci all your branded bags collection. Nah aku sempat ke Your Bag Spa cabang Summarecon Mal Serpong untuk cuci tas tapi pihak YBS menjelaskan dengan ramah kalo kondisi tas yang mau aku cuci memang banyak kikis. Karna lagi ngga ada yg mau dicuci alhasil aku drop sneakersku.

Well, this time, aku lagi pengen cuciin sepatu dan sandal Gucci yang udah dekil. So I spared my time to go to Your Bag Spa cabang Pantai Indah Kapuk. Lokasinya deket jalan raya jadi ngga susah untuk ditemukan. To be honest hampir semua lokasi Your Bag Spa cukup mudah ditemukan, rata-rata di mal. 

Personally aku rasa cuciin high end brand stuff lebih worth di sini. Secara hasil, menurutku cukup kinclong. Paling gampangnya bisa diliat di bagian belakang sandal dan sepatu. Kalo di foto before, warna itemnya uda kentara mendominasi. Di foto after, poof, gone... just like that. Kayak abis dijentikkin jari sama Thanos. Haha :p

In English :
Here again, back to Your Bag Spa. As its name Your Bag Spa has known for cleaning all your branded bags collection. I've ever gone to one of their branches at Summarecon Mal Serpong untuk cuci tas to wash my bag but YBS team told me that my bag condition is a bit hard due to many scraped. Then I drop my sneakers.

Well, this time, I decided to put my grubby Gucci shoes and sandals. So I spared my time to go to Your Bag Spa Pantai Indah Kapuk. To be honest mostly their branches location are easy to find.

Personally I thought it will be worth the price if you bring out high end brand stuff like I do. And for the results, turns out nice and clean. At my before shot, you might see bunch of dirts on the back of my shoes and sandal. At my after shots, poof, it's gone... just like that. Feel been wiped out by Thanos flick. Haha :p

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