A Package of Joy For My Skin

10:44 AM

As a beauty lover and skincare enthusiast, mecoba rangkaian produk yang bisa mencerahkan wajah atau menjadikan kulit terlihat mengagumkan, menjadi kesenangan tersendiri. Dan kali ini aku menemukan salah satu brand lokal Indonesia yang siap diulas, Joylab.

Warna kuning, ungu pastel cukup mendominasi jajaran produk mereka. It looks lovely, don't they? Joylab memiliki lip gloss, bulu mata palsu, make up remover, eye cream dan cleansing water.

Di antara produk Joylab yang sudah kugunakan lumayan sering adalah their eyecream dan cleansing water. First, eyecream. Lebih tepatnya produk ini dinamakan dengan Joylab Eye On Diet. Secara kemasan, cukup handy dan ringan. Teksturnya sendiri lumayan creamy, bukan yang cair. Waktu dipakai ada rasa hangat di area undereye, dan kuasumsikan bekerja. Dengan claim mampu as a solution for puffiness and dark circle, aku berharap setidaknya dapat mengurangi kehitaman area bawah mataku.

Next thing I tried, Joylab Cleansing Water. Ukurannya 100 ml jadi still okay kalo dibawa bepergian ke luar negeri tanpa bagasi. Ditambah lagi kalo ngga daftar bagasi suka males bawa banyak rangkaian skincare, so this size perfectly fine. Memiliki kandungan Coconut Acid and Tea Tree Oil. Untuk membersihkan riasanku ke kantor, butuh sekitar 2 - 3 kapas dan 3 cotton buds untuk menghilangkan waterproof eyeliner dan gel liner di underline mata. Not bad juga, ngga ngabisin terlalu banyak kapas jadinya tapi sudah lumayan ngangkat make up yang nempel. Muka jadi ngga terlalu kering keset banget setelah pake ini.

In English :
As a beauty lover and skincare enthusiast, trying series of product that able to make your skin looks glow and healthier, is kind of pleasure. This time I found another beauty local brand, Joylab.
Pastel colors are pretty dominant in their products. It looks lovely, don't they? Joylab has lip gloss, fake eyelash, make up remover, eye cream and cleansing water.

Among Joylab products, I used their eyecream dan cleansing water pretty often rather than other else. First, eyecream. It's called Joylab Eye On Diet. A bit handy and lightweight. Creamy texture and it claims might be a solution for puffiness and dark circle. There's a warm feeling when I put this cream on my under eye area, I assume it starts workin'. Well, I do hope it really could at least decrease my dark circle problems.

Next thing I tried, Joylab Cleansing Water. 100 ml size so it's still okay for travelling if I'm not going to bring any luggage, just a cabin size. It contains Coconut Acid and Tea Tree Oil inside. For erasing my office make up look, it needs a bit 2 - 3 cotton pad and 3 cotton buds for erasing waterproof eyeliner and gel liner on my underline eyes. Not bad, and feel a bit hydrated as well.

Selain itu, mereka juga punya Joylab Make Up Melter kalo memang make up kamu anti badai. As you guys can see in my photo below, ada beberapa produk lain lagi dari JOYLABJoylab Twinkle Twin Lashes yang bisa dapet 3 pasang dengan harga Rp 60.000. Dibuat dengan lightweight synthetic fibers dan punya beberapa macam ketebalan helai, bergantung dari kebutuhan kamu.

Mereka juga punya Joylab Disco Lipgloss. Cute name and fyi, they have 3 shades. Moonlit, silver & purple shimmer. Groove, my fave one, bright gold shimmer dan galaxy, pink shimmer. Saranku timpa aja di atas lip matte yang kamu pake jadi ada sedikit efek plump lips.

O ya.. Buat kalian yang mau cobain juga, lagi ada diskon untuk pembelian produk JOYLAB di Tokopedia, dengan ketik kode JOYLABAVE. Diskon ini hanya berlaku hingga 12 Mei 2019 ya..

In English :
Beside that, they have make up remover called Joylab Make Up Melter if you need to erase your heavy make up. As you guys can see in my photo below, there are other products of JOYLABJoylab Twinkle Twin Lashes ,3 set of fake eyelash for IDR 60.000. Made with lightweight synthetic fibers and have some variant of strands, depends on your needs.

They also have Joylab Disco Lipgloss. Cute name and fyi, they have 3 shades. Moonlit, silver & purple shimmer. Groove, my fave one, bright gold shimmer dan galaxy, pink shimmer. My suggestion, put it after you wear your lip matte to make a plump lips effect.

Oh.. and for those of you who would like to try them, purchase JOYLAB at Tokopedia, ans type JOYLABAVE. You'll get special discount, and valid until 12 Mei 2019..

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3 ♥

  1. These look like great pieces! Thank you for sharing!
    Raindrops of Sapphire

  2. I have awful dark circles under my eyes too :(
    sounds like a good product!

    The Sweetest Escape

  3. Lightweight artificial fibers and has a ramification of thicknesses, relying for your needs. Made with lightweight synthetic fibers Can Someone Write My Essay and have some variant of strands, depends to your wishes. My suggestion, placed it once you wear your lip matte to make a plump lips effect.
