ZAP Photo Facial

11:29 AM

Membayangkan teriakan orang saat ada laser merah yang ditembakkan ke wajahmu suka membuatku merinding. Mungkin aku kebanyakan nonton film fiksi, but I have to admit back then I was a bit reluctant when I heard a laser treatment. Nah jadi pada saat aku datang ke ZAP buat cobain Photo Facial Treatment sebenernya agak dag dig dug juga. Isi kepala seperti dipenuhi gambaran peperangan star wars. Silly rite? 

Mengumpulkan seluruh keberanian dan setelah diberi konsul oleh dokter, aku diberikan ZAP Photo Facial Treatment, yang merupakan rangkaian perawatan kulit wajah yang menggabungkan 3 tahap dengan teknologi modern untuk mendapatkan kulit wajah yang sehat. Tahap pertama, Face Toning. Menggunakan mesin laser Nd:YAG  terbaik dari Eropa, sinar laser ditembakkan ke seluruh area wajah guna mengurangi hiperpigmentasi kulit di lapisan dalam, mengurangi produksi minyak berlebih penyebab timbulnya jerawat serta meningkatkan produksi kolagen. 

"Memang lagi dilaser dok?"
Itu kalimat yang bisa kuberikan sebagai jawaban dari pertanyaan dokter "Gimana kak Ada yang sakit?" setelah memulai tahap pertama ini. Nggak berasa sakit, at all. Bisa kubilang ZAP berhasil melunturkan imajinasi anehku tentang laser treatment. Well, thanks to Clozette Indonesia sudah mengenalkanku pada ZAP Clinic Indonesia. Aku jadi ngga terlalu berasa serem lagi untuk mencoba perawatan yang menggunakan laser. 

Lanjut.. Tahap kedua, Alma Rejuvenation. Menggunakan Advanced Fluorescence Technology ( AFT ) yang merupakan inovasi terbaru dari teknologi Intense Pulse Light, atau biasa kalian dengar dengan istilah IPL. Tahap ketiga, Oxy Infusion. Ini merupakan kreasi dari ZAP Clinic dengan memberikan serum secara optimal. Bersifat soft peel untuk mengikis sel kulit mati terluar dari kotoran dan debu yang menjadi penyebab kulit kusam. Rasanya seperti ditembak angin ke wajah. Seger dan agak sedikit geli sih di area dekat leher dan telinga.

Setelah treatment upayakan untuk tidak terpapar langsung di bawah sinar matahari. Ngga lama memang tapi upayakan buat selalu pakai sunblock juga. Jangan langsung cuci muka dengan air hangat atau sabun muka yang mengandung scrub. Riweh? Nggak juga sih. Itung-itung sayang kulit yang uda sedikit lebih kinclong dari perawatan. Di fotoku bertopi itu aku baru aja treatment dan nggak pake make up. FYI, fotonya ngga difilter juga teman-teman. Kesian kan uda oke abis treatment trus ngga ngikutin anjuran beberapa hari.

O ya gengs.. Treatment ZAP Photo Facial ini dibandrol seharga Rp 749.000. Dengan peralatan canggih aku rasa harga tersebut cukup reasonable jika lebih tinggi dari facial biasa. Nah untuk kamu yang punya kulit cenderung lebih berminyak dan suka berjerawat, aku sarankan kamu ambil ZAP Photo Facial Acne. Karena akan ada penanganan untuk jerawat membandel di wajah. Sempat juga kubaca di beberapa forum, mereka cukup puas dengan perawatan ini dan jerawat berkurang.

Sedikit informasi tambahan biar kalian yakin.sejak tahun 2009 ZAP Clinic Indonesia menjadi salah satu klinik pilihan terbaik wanita Indonesia dan dipercaya melakukan lebih dari 2.000.000 prosedur perawatan kecantikan berbasis laser. Outletnya juga sudah tersebar hampir di seluruh Indonesia. 

In English :
Imagining scream of people who were shots by red laser at their face creeps me out. I guess I'm too delusional, but I have to admit it makes me reluctant when I heard a laser treatment. So I'm a bit nervous when I came to ZAP Clinic to try their Photo Facial Treatment. This head was filled with pictures of Star Wars laser battle. Silly rite?

Gather up all the courage and after given a consultation, I begin ZAP Photo Facial Treatment, which combine three steps with modern technology to obtain a healthy skin. First phase, Face Toning. By using a Nd:YAG  machine Europe, a laser light was fired to entire face area in order to reduce hyperpigmentation and reduce excess oil production that cause the acne, plus increasing production of collagen.

"It has been shot doc?"
That was my answer when the doctor already start this step and asked me "Did you feel any pain?".
It did not hurt, at all. I could say ZAP successfully washed out my weird imagination about laser treatment. Thanks to Clozette Indonesia who introduce me to ZAP Clinic Indonesia. Now I ain't scared to try laser treatment.

Second step, Alma Rejuvenation. It use Advanced Fluorescence Technology ( AFT ) which is a new innovation of Intense Pulse Light, or what you often heard as IPL. Third step, Oxy Infusion. It's part of ZAP Clinic creation that give a serum optimally. It's soft peel so it's able to scrape dead skin cells from dirt and dust. Feels like there's a wind blow on your face. Fresh and ticklish near neck and ears.

After the treatment, you have to avoid sunlight. Not for long just a couple days. I need to add sunblock on my face as well and not cleanse it with scrub material soap and warm water. Complicated? I don't think so. If you looked at my unfilter photo ( me wore a black cap ), you'll notice there's a tiny glow in my face. Not a part near the window yet overall it slightly brighter than my face before the treatment. So I guess it's worth it to keep it that way.

Oh this ZAP Photo Facial Treatment cost IDR 749,000. I think it's a reasonable price since it use a high tech machine. For those of you who have oily skin, I suggest you to take ZAP Photo Facial Acne. There will be special care for your naughty acne. Karena akan ada penanganan untuk jerawat membandel di wajah. I've read it at forum and some of them who have tried it are satisfied.

A lil information for y'all, since 2009 ZAP Clinic Indonesia has become one of chosen beauty clinics and trusted enough to do more than 2 million beauty treatment with laser. Their outlets are also spread across Indonesia.

ZAP Clinic
IG : @zapcoid

Clozette Indonesia

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3 ♥

  1. Wow it's very interesting this post, I have the same feeling that you have about laser treatment, but reading this I'm not afraid anymore. I love your face in the last pic. You are so funny.

    Kisses from Miami
    Alba X Mylovelypeople

  2. dari zulu pengen nyoba treatment di ZAP
    sempet nyoba BB Glow di salon temen emang bagus si hasilnya ya. .


  3. This is very interesting! I head so much about laser treatment (good AND bad things), probably more bad, that's why I wasn't thinking about it. But reading other people positive experiences might change my idea :)

    Bri |
