
Vaseline Fresh & Fair

11:00 AM

Di Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, kata nyaman bisa diartikan sebagai keadaan segar, sehat dan membuat tenang. Mencoba produk Vaseline Fresh & Fair, memang itu hal yang aku rasain. Teksturnya yang berbentuk gel lotion membuat cepat meresap di kulit. Ditambah lagi ada kandungan B3 plus sunscreen yang bisa membantu kulit kita buat tetap terlihat segar dan sehat meskipun beraktifitas di bawah sinar matahari. Intinya tetap nyaman bersama Vaseline Fresh & Fair.

Nah darimana aku tau produk ini. Thanks to Clozette Indonesia dan Vaseline yang sudah mengundang aku dalam peluncuran produk warbiasa ini. Can't wait to use it daily. Dan buat kalian yang mau beli, bisa klik di sini. Harganya jelas terjangkau dan ramah di kantong.

In English :
At Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, comfortable was stated as fresh, healthy and peaceful condition. That's what I felt when I tried out  Vaseline Fresh & Fair couple days ago. It formed in gel lotion texture so quickly absorb into your skin. They also have B3 and sunscreen inside the ingredients so you will be look fresh ( still ) under the UV strikes. The point is you'll able to stay comfy with Vaseline Fresh & Fair.

Where did I hear about this product? Thanks to Clozette Indonesia dan Vaseline who invite me to their product launch event. Can't wait to use it daily. And for those of you who interested to buy, please click here. It's pretty affordable guys.

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6 ♥

  1. I always love vaseline
    That's my lotion for a long time now.

    Much Love,

  2. Vaseline IS great!
    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. Do you want to follow each other?
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. Thanks for following, I followed you already back. xx Rena

  3. I love vaseline.
    My lotion is this brand.

    Much Love,

  4. Great product dear!!
    Have a great day! xx

    La ilusión de Nina - http://lailusiondenina.blogspot.com/
