Instant Treatment with S- Miracle

2:53 PM

I have a normal to dry skin, terkadang malah cenderung kering sampai rasanya kulit ngga mau bekerja sama dengan produk make up yang kugunakan. Have you ever experienced it? Kayak ngga bisa blended well gitu. Well, karna itu aku jadi keranjingan mengumpulkan stock skincare. Dari moisturizer sampai masker.

Baru-baru ini aku nemuin satu masker dari Korea, S- Miracle. Entah kenapa kalo uda nyebut asal dari Korea, aku selalu tergugah mencoba, mungkin karena produk-produk mereka yang emang banyak yang top cer dan diacungi jempol 

S-Miracle punya setumpuk varian masker yang cukup praktis buat kamu yg paling ogah netesin serum, pakai krim di malam hari atau lebih lagi harus rutin ke klinik kecantikan. Intinya cocok buat kalian yang pengen melembabkan wajah tapi malas perawatan riweh. Kalo buat yang kulitnya berminyak aku ngga saranin pakai tiap hari, tapi kalo sekering aku mungkin boleh lebih sering intensitas pemakaiannya. Meskipun belum sekinclong Song Hye Kyo tapi muka keliatan lebih seger dan kulit di bawah mata yang udah item banget keseringan event, ngga segelap sebelumnya.

In English :
I have a normal to dry skin, sometimes it tends to dry 'till my make up can't be blended well. Have you ever experienced it? Well, it turns me into a skincare freak. Seeking for moisturizer until series of masks.

Recently I found this mask, S- Miracle. When I knew it’s from Korea, I do tempted to try, since Korea is known with their great beauty products.

FYI, S-Miracle have bunch of pretty practical masks since they come in a sheet mask. So for those of you who don’t like too many complicated treatment or if you don’t have enough time to go to beauty clinics, this masks might be your solution. For oily skin, I’m not suggesting to use it daily. But if you have dry skin like me, you could wear it more often. Though mine did not transform like Song Hye Kyo’s fabulous skin, yet I saw the changes. My skin looks fresh and moisturized enough, plus my undereye skin not as dark as before 

Where to buy?

And check out their IG account as well :

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1 ♥

  1. I have heard alot about snails
    Thanks for sharing

    New and loud
