3:22 PM
Sewaktu pergi liburan akhir tahun ke Bangkok kemarin, aku
ngeliat banyak banget iklan “Snail White”. Bermula sejak aku tiba di airport
bahkan hingga ke pusat perbelanjaan yang ramai dikunjungi orang. Billboard,
poster, led TV. Jadi penasaran waktu banyak ngeliat produknya di toko kosmetik.
Bahkan mereka ada di rak customer’s
favorite. Hmm must be an it product, I guess.
Yet a bit afraid to try karena penjelasannya mostly dalam
bahasa Thai yang aku nggak benar-benar paham. And bunch of thanks to Sociolla my fave
beauty destination, yang bisa jadi the only channel to get Snailwhite di
Indonesia. Seriously excited! Click here
SNAILWHITE FACIAL CREAM. Krim bernutrisi yang memadukan sekresi filtrate
bekicot dan tumbuhan ektrak tumbuhan alami. Memiliki keistimewaan dalam
pemulihan dan regenerasi kulit.
Though it’s not a comfy travel size, packagingnya memberi
kesan mahal. It's an airless package. Selain itu NAMU LIFE SNAILWHITE FACIAL CREAM
memiliki pump. Dengan sekali tekan, pump akan mengeluarkan krim dengan takaran
yang pas buat langsung pake. Jadi kamu nggak takut colek kebanyakan.
Setelah tiga hari mencoba NAMU LIFE SNAILWHITE FACIAL CREAM, aku belum merasakan
efek samping atau tanda ketidakcocokan. Biasanya kalo wajahku nggak cocok sama
satu produk, suka keluar merah-merah atau timbul jerawat. So far itu nggak
terjadi. Jadi bisa dibilang produk ini oke juga untuk kulit sensitive
Yep memang kulitku normal kombinasi kering tapi beberapa
pelembab yang pernah kujajal sebelum mengenakan make up bisa buat muka terasa
lebih berminyak walaupun mungkin minyaknya nggak sebanyak pemilik kulit
berminyak. Still, suka gerah sendiri kan sama minyaknya. Nah meskipun menyerap
dengan cepat ke kulit, NAMU LIFE SNAIL WHITE FACIAL CREAM ini cukup membantu
memberi kelembapan pada kulitku dan nggak bikin oily.
Aku menggali beberapa review ini bisa mengecilkan pori-pori
dan membuat wajah lebih cerah setelah pemakaian dalam waktu singkat. Ada bekas
jerawat yang tampak memudar tapi memang belum hilang sepenuhnya. Definitely looking
forward for the miraculous effect setelah pemakaian yang rutin. So, why don’t
you try like I do…?!
In English :
Sewaktu pergi liburan akhir tahun ke Bangkok kemarin, I saw lot of “Snail White” ads. Since I was arrived at the airport 'till strolled around into shopping centre. Billboard,
poster, TV. So I became more curious after looked they were in many cosmetic stores. On customer’s
favorite rack. Hmm must be an it product, I guess.
Yet a bit afraid to try because mostly their explanation are in Thai. Bunch of thanks to Sociolla, my fave
beauty destination, who will be the only channel to get Snailwhite di
Indonesia. Seriously excited! Click here
SNAILWHITE FACIAL CREAM. A miracle nourishing cream that blends the snail secretion filtrate and nature extract. It specials with outstanding quality of skin regeneration and recovery.
Though it’s not a comfy travel size, its package give a luxury impression. It's an airless package. NAMU LIFE SNAIL WHITE FACIAL CREAM also has a pump. After one press, it will excrete a cream which its dose enough for direct use in your face. Not too much not too light.
After three days of trying NAMU LIFE SNAILWHITE FACIAL CREAM, I haven't felt any side effects. Usually if my face does not fit with one product there will be few redness or acne near my cheek. So far it does not happen. I could say this product quiet okay for sensitive skin, like me.
Yep I have combination skin and some moisturizer that I've tried made my skin a bit oily after put on some make up above it. Even it does not as much as you who have oily skin. Still, annoyed with it. Glad that this product did not give that effect and NAMU LIFE SNAIL WHITE FACIAL CREAM pretty helpful in moisten your skin.
I dig on some review and found out NAMU LIFE SNAIL WHITE FACIAL CREAM is able to shrink yout pores. It helps heal acne scars although it hasn't fully recovered and gone. Definitely looking
forward for the miraculous effect after routine effect. So, why don’t
you try like I do…?!
1 ♥
Amazing post dear, I really like it!
ReplyDeleteHappy Sunday :)