Ultimate Me Time Experience
5:07 PM
You yourself, deserve an affection. Well that's why, it's essential to make time to simply be "with yourself". It's like give a time to recharge your body and reset your mind.
Thanks to Clozette Indonesia yang mengenalkan aku pada Umandaru Spa. Interiornya cukup homey. Nuansa 'tradisional' terasa kental begitu aku melangkah memasuki ruangan treatment. Ditambah dengan musik instrumen yang dikumandangkan di ruangan, mengundang pikiranmu untuk lebih rileks.
Duduk di sauna chair memulai rangkaian treatment Inara Spa yang kupilih. Sekitar 10 menit kemudian, aku mulai dimanjakan dengan massage. To be honest aku bukan orang yang doyan pijat. Suka terasa geli bahkan kadang sering sakit karena tekanan yang terlalu kencang dan mengenai tulang. But somehow aku nyaris tertidur. Bisa disimpulkan sendiri kan betapa nyamannya proses ini. After that, aku dilulur untuk mengangkat semua kulit mati. Then, tubuhku disambut dengan rendaman susu yang dapat melembutkan kulit. Semakin menenangkan otot dan sel-sel yang tegang akibat peliknya jalanan ibukota.
Shout out to all ladies yang mulai penat dengan sesaknya rutinitas kehidupan Jakarta, why don't you have a little ME-time for yourself.. Try to come to Umandaru Spa. Selain body treatment, facial treatment mereka juga cukup favorit lo :p
You yourself, deserve an affection. Well that's why, it's essential to make time to simply be "with yourself". It's like give a time to recharge your body and reset your mind.
Thanks to Clozette Indonesia who introduce me to Umandaru Spa. The interior quiet homey. 'Traditional' ambience heavily felt once I stepped into the treatment room. Plus, the music instrument invite you to be more relax.
My Inara Spa treatment began with sat on sauna chair. 10 minutes later, I was pampered with massage. To be honest I am not a massage lover. Ticklish and sometimes a bit hurt on my bone. But somehow I almost fell asleep. So you could conclude yourself how comfy this process was. After that, scrub, to lift up the dead skin. Then, milk bath welcome my body. It soothe my muscle and tense cells.
Shout out to all ladies who tired with your packed routine, why don't you have a little ME-time for yourself.. Try to come to Umandaru Spa. Beside their body treatment, their facial treatments are also fave :p
Jl. Mandar Utama Blok DC 1/19 Bintaro Jaya Sektor 3A, Tangerang Selatan
Telp: 021-7357355
Whatsapp 08128425015
IG : @UmandaruSpa
Web : : http://www.umandaruspa.com/
3 ♥
Que ricoooo, que relajación, que bien.
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That is awesome, I just did spa time myself and love every second of it!
IG @grace_njio
This looks great, I will go there! Thanks for this awesome spa experience:)
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