'Cause I Love My Feet
6:30 PM
Seringkali kita heboh memberi perawatan terbaik bagi wajah,
tapi lupa akan bagian tubuh satu ini. Kaki. “Karena tertutup sepatu atau kaos
kaki” bukanlah sebuah alasan untuk tidak memberinya perawatan. Kaki menopang
tubuh dan penting bagi seluruh jalannya aktivitas kita sehari-hari.
Kaki kering dan tumit pecah-pecah merupakan masalah umum
yang sering kita temui. Bisa terjadi karena banyak hal termasuk banyaknya
aktivitas dengan kaki atau berjalan di daerah panas tanpa alas kaki. Pedicure, yeah it could cure. But sometimes bagi kamu yang
terikat dengan rutinitas kantor, susah untuk menemukan waktu memanjakan
diri. Introduce you, Baby Foot.
Terdapat dua item.
One, Baby Foot Mask.
2 sheet, Rp. 325.000,-
Kalo kamu abis pedicure, use this after 30 days. Jangan
gunain pas tiduran atau mandi. Nggak boleh juga pada kaki luka, penderita
diabetes atau ibu hamil. Penggunaannya simple tinggal dipake kayak sepatu.
Diemin 30 menit trus bilas sama sabun.
Baby Foot Smoothing
30 gram, Rp. 148.000,-
Produk ini digunakan untuk ngasih kelembaban pada kaki setelah
terjadi pengelupasan. Gel bakal beruvah langsung jadi air jadi nggak lengket di
telapak kaki
Dan yang paling menyenangkan, you could even wore it while
working, guys. Woo…
In English :
We often so splashy to seek face skincare but we forget about this body part. Foot. “Because it will be covered with socks or shoes" is not a reason to not give them a treatment. It sustain your body and important for all your daily activities.
Dry feet and wracked heel are common problems. It might be caused of so many things include too many activities on foot and leg or walk in hot land without using any footwear. Pedicure, yeah it could cure. But sometimes for those of you who stuck with office routines it's just too hard to find a time for pamper yourself. Introduce you, Baby Foot.
There are two items.
One, Baby Foot Mask.
2 sheet, IDR. 325.000,-
If you just do pedicure, use this after 30 days. Don't do it while sleeping or take a bath. It could not be used for injured leg, diabetics or pregnant woman. Simple just apply it like you wear shoes. Wear it for 30 minutes than wash your feet with soap.
Baby Foot Smoothing Gel.
30 gram, IDR. 148.000,-
This product will moist your feet after your skin peel off. Gel will change into water so it won't be sticky.
And the interesting part is, you could even wore it while working, guys. Woo…
So I tried them. Satu hal yang bisa aku tekankan telapak
kaki emang jadi sedikit lebih halus. I don’t know if you could see it from my
pics tapi berasa banget waktu dipegang. A softer feet.
Nah kalau untuk proses pengelupasannya... Apa kalian pernah
ngebayangin ngupas telur rebus. Well, your dead skin serupa kayak kulit telur yang siap dikelupas dan
bagian dalam telur yang lebih halus seperti kaki setelah penggunaan Baby Foot. Proses ini mulai keliatan setelah 5 – 7 hari
To be bottomlined, Baby
Foot is a gentle foot care without damaging on skin. And FYI, produk ini
sudah resmi masuk ke Indonesia dengan BPOM lo. Nggak perlu bingung buat cari
produk ini sampe ke Jepang..
In English :
So I tried them. One thing I could tell for sure, my foot sole become more subtle. I don’t know if you could see it from my pics but it felt like then when I touched it. A softer feet.
About the peeling process... Have you ever known boiled egg? Well, your dead skin similar with egg skin which ready to be peel off and smooth egg inside is your feet after using Baby Foot. This process will be seen after 5 - 7 days after using those products.
To be bottomlined, Baby Foot is a gentle foot care without damaging on skin. And FYI, this product is official enter Indonesia market with BPOM. No need to fly to Japan to find it..
In English :
All Baby Foot products could be bought at Sociolla.com, atau click here. Get 20% discount by type this code "AVELIASBNxBABYFOOT20" on payment.
5 ♥
Great post, truly inspiring, I love it, love your blog as well, thank you for sharing!!!
That sounds like a good foot scrub.
ah need to try this!
It's nice that it works well.
ReplyDeleteI always love to pamper my feet too
Much Love,
Zarrah | The Bandwagon Chic
Que buena pinta tiene este producto.