
My Confession

8:00 AM

"Celana kamu gimana sih bentuknya?"

"Hm.. baju ini maksudnya gimana sih?"

"Selera baju lu agak aneh juga ya"

Rather than pissed off by these words, I'm gonna take that as a compliment that say I'm a unique person. Mungkin aku menyukai beberapa outfit dengan corak atau cutting yang berbeda dari yang umum dipilih orang. Atau mengenakan beberapa pakaian yang sudah bukan tren ( name it vintage. haha! ). Well, I believe some bloggers have experienced this as well. Ketika mereka dipandang memiliki cara berpakaian yang berbeda.

Everything about blogging used to amazed me. It still does anyway. Harus kuakui dunia blog do lift me up. Meet new blogger fellas is super exciting. Invited on many fashion and beauty events. Mix and match my outfit supaya terlihat stylish enough dalam tiap acara.. I'm suddenly known, meskipun bukan artis. 

"Lu pake begini cuma mau pergi event atau gimana?"

"Kamu ke kantor cuma gini aja? Kayaknya di foto kece banget"

"Jadi blogger kerennya di foto aja ya?"

Dan setelah being noticed beberapa komentar mulai terdengar memberikan sedikit tuntutan. You have to look great as soon you walk out through the door. Well, God make us a beautiful human being dalam masing-masing rupa. I believe in that. Ada kalanya aku begitu ingin hanya mengenakan cardigan, tank top and short pants untuk pergi makan dekat rumah bersama suami. Wear less or even no make up and ponytail my hair. Is that wrong? I'm comfortable and feel perfectly fine in that. 

So something come in mind. Being a blogger is bukan tentang berlomba untuk berdandan senyeleneh mungkin tapi how you totally confident about yourself and inspire others to do the same. Rite?

In English :

"What's shape your pants has exactly?"

"Hm.. I could not understand your clothes"

"You have weird fashion sense"

Rather than pissed off by these words, I'm gonna take that as a compliment that say I'm a unique person. I might be in love with some outfits that its pattern or cutting isn't others favorite.  Or I would like to wear out of trend clothes ( name it vintage. haha! ). Well, I believe some bloggers have experienced this as well.  When they were looked as a person who has a different way to dress up.

Everything about blogging used to amazed me. It still does anyway. I have to admit blogging world do lift me up. Meet new blogger fellas is super exciting. Invited on many fashion and beauty events. Mix and match my outfit to look stylish enough on every occasions.. I'm suddenly known though I'm not an actress.

"You just gonna wear this kinda outfit on event or what?"

"You just gonna wear this to office? I think you're so stylish"

"So bloggers only cool on photos?"

And soon after being noticed some comments sounds a little demanding... You have to look great as soon you walk out through the door. Well, God make us as a beautiful human being in each appearance. I believe in that. There's a moment when I want wear only cardigan, tank top and short pants for having dinner near my house with my husband. Wear less or even no make up and ponytail my hair. Is that wrong? I'm comfortable and feel perfectly fine in that.

So something come in mind. Being a blogger is not about racing to dress up as the oddest one yet how you totally confident about yourself and inspire others to do the same. Rite?

P.S. Don't forget to watch my new vlog here. It's about watched Wonder Woman movie and abusive comment on my insta story :(

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24 ♥

  1. Great outfit dear :)

    XX Cella❤️ | Hier geht's zu meinem Blog

  2. Very cute post
    The Pink Pineapple
    New post:http://thepinkpineappleblog.blogspot.com/

  3. sumpah kangen banget sama kamu kakk !!!! People who like to judge feel themselves the best ya ka. HAHA aku kadang juga suka risih loh terakhir kali aku malah sempet kesindir lol
    yukk cusss temuan yukk

  4. It is important how you feel in your clothes... other things are not very important)

  5. So cool, I like your outfit! :)

  6. cute outfit! and for sure don't read into other people's comments.. you look great the way you are!

    www.hintofgrey.com | Hint of Grey

  7. Super cute!
    Have a lovely day dear,

  8. Lo único importante es ser tu mismo, sin esclavizarte a nada.

  9. lovely casual outfit. thank you for sharing


  10. Great post! Photos are amaizing!
    If you want that we follow each other let me know by leaving a coment here-->

  11. Thank you for sharing this and sharing your honesty! Sometimes there are trolls and you just have to rise above that!


  12. Sama banget! Aku pernah bahkan sering ngalamin itu semua. bahkan pernah dibilang "aneh banget sih style nya" hahaha

    Tapi setuju sama kamu, jadi blogger itu bukan berlomba2 terlihat kece , we already know that.


  13. So sweet!
    Have a wonderful weekend, love!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  14. There are days where we want to dress up and days where we just wanna dress down and that's totally fine to be both! Justru jadi style chameleon sih kalo aku haha it's like models off duty juga bajunya ga mungkin kan semegah yang di runway ;)


  15. LOL. So bloggers only cool on photos. LOL. Aku suka kesindir gitu juga sih sama temen2 aku tapi cuek aja sih. TOh juga mereka gak lebih cool dari aku. LOL. Namun memang agak2 sih dengernya #jadicurhat.

  16. Love how candid and honest this article is! And I'm really loving that white outfit! Summer whites are my favorite.

    I'd love for you to check out my blog if you get a chance!

  17. You are a unique person. I totally feel you.

    Bernie, xx
    The Style Fanatic

  18. totally agree kak! aku juga pernah dikomentarin begitu. Nice post! <3

    Visit mine

  19. So true! Being a blogger doesn't mean looking perfect all the time!

    xx Nicole

  20. I think every blogger had that comment before!
    "so you only look great for your blog?"
    I do dress super casual on my daily and work outfit
    weekend definitely gives more freedom to explore your style and gives you an excuse to dress up
    so on weekday, I do got that comment every once in a while
    and of course it hurts! but there's not much we can do except just continue to be us
    "to be yourself in a world that is consistently trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    The Sweetest Escape

  21. such a beautiful post dear. chic outfit!
    xo, Christianne

  22. as bloggers we expose ourselves to the world and it's granted that not everyone will have positive feedback to what we do but you know, if it makes us happy, makes you happy and you're not really hurting or troubling anyone, that's all that matters. just be confident and believe in yourself, your style. it's your blog, not theirs so surely you can do what you want with it, wear what you want and choose what to post in it, right? =)

    p.s. you always look cool anyways, dressed up or down =)

    xo, Carla

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